I don't know about you, but favorite RSS reader is Google Reader. The only thing that I miss - support for password protected feeds, and i hate using desktop or adobe air applications, because as good as they are none of them offer feed synchronization with Google reader. So, that is where FreeMyFeed comes in. Here is what they offer from there site:

"Have you ever wanted to view an RSS feed in a web base feed reader such as Google Reader or Bloglines, but could not because the feed required user authentication or used an invalid SSL certificate?Well this site aims to be your solution. Using the form above, enter in the feed url, your username and password and then submit. You will be taken to a new page with an alternate URL for your use.This site does not require that you include a username or password. If you want to use this for all of your feeds, whether they require user authentication, are protected by https or whatever, feel free to do so." 

No of course just be careful what kind of feeds you submit, because this service can't boast about the security, but for me it is the solution i was looking for, i hope this will help you too.