I've just registered for Blogcamp CEE 2008 and here is a bit information what it is, where and why.

Blogcamp CEE 2008 Will Gather in Kyiv Internet Professionals and Enthusiasts from Central and Eastern Europe

On October 17-19th, 2008 - Blogcamp CEE 2008 (http://blogcampcee.com) will take place in Kyiv. Blogcamp is an international conference on new media: blogs, social networks, podcasting, online video, citizen journalism, start-ups and venture investments.


Blogcamp is organized for the second year in a row and this time it will gather participants not only from the post Soviet countries, but also from Central and Eastern Europe. 400 participants have already registered; over 500 are expected to attend.

Blogcamp CEE 2008 will also host Investor Day on 19th of October. Investor Day is the key event for venture capital investments industry of CEE region. It will unite business owners and investors of TMT (Telecom, Media, Technologies). Investor Day agenda consists of panel discussions with investors and entrepreneurs, and Startup Contest with two nominations:

·      Seed Stage – the project is just an idea or on the stage of a prototype, the amount to be invested is €50,000-150,000.

·      Early Growth Stage – the company has started to sell products/services and is steadily growing, with small sales revenues; the amount to be invested is €500,000-1,000,000.


The projects will be evaluated by a group of experts and jury members - representatives of such investment funds as DFJ, which is one of the Top Ten of the largest world’s funds; Mangrove – the most successful European fund; Russian fund ABRT and others.


Denys Dovgopoly, Director of BayView Innovations Inc and a member of Blogcamp initiative group, states: “Participation in the Startup Contest is a great opportunity for authors and managers of Internet projects to present their ideas to investors and receive evaluation from professionals of the venture capital investments industry.” You can find more details about the contest on the web-site http://blogcampcee.com/ru/investors/contest. Over 80 projects have been already submitted for the competition. Investor Day is organized in partnership with BayView Innovations Inc.


Blogcamp CEE 2008 will be organized in barcamp format, which means that participants are proactively involved in organization of the event. They create agenda themselves – anyone can write the topic of their session, presentation or discussion on the blank table in the beginning of the first day of the conference. Each participant is the co-organizer of the conference - holding sessions, helping out with the technical organization, promoting Blogcamp in his/her blog. The conference is organized in informal atmosphere which stimulates discussions and sharing ideas. Register at http://blogcampcee.com to participate in Blogcamp.